Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year: 2013 Goals

Happy New Year!

With the success of last year's goal setting process, I decided to continue the process and build on it for 2013.  In order to keep my goals in front of me, I did a goal board for 2012.  I wrote each goal on a piece of paper and posted it on a bulletin board in the hallway where I would see it everyday.  For the monthly goals I wrote each month on the paper and then updated my progress on the last day of each month.  I also added a calendar to the board where I recorded all of my runs and workouts for an additional check-in.

For 2013 I made a new goal board with one small change.  This year J set goals as well so we have a color coded board.  Blue goals are mine, green goals are J's and orange goals are mutual goals.  I put the goals on the board this morning to kick off 2013.  Once again I wanted all of the goals to be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-sensitive).  General statements of goals just do not work for me.

Dallas' 2013 Personal Goals

Goal 1: Complete Covenant Health Marathon.
The Marathon is April 7th.  I am following Hal Higdon's Novice 2 plan.  I did two half marathons last year so a full marathon just seems like the next logical step.

Goal 2: Hike 150 new Smokies trail miles.
My eventual goal is to hike all the trails in the Smokies.  As I complete miles, it gets harder to complete new miles without repeating segments and without long drives.  With that in mind I scaled back this year's goal from the 200 miles I attempted last year.  I'll post my new miles on the goal board to help keep me motivated and accountable.

Goal 3: Post a 5k time under 20 minutes.
My best 5k time so far is 21:44.  I won't start seriously working on this goal until after the marathon.  I don't want to risk an injury doing speedwork until after the marathon is past.

Goal 4: Maintain weight under 200 lbs.
Training for the marathon should help me with this one.  I will weigh myself each week and record the results on the goal board to keep track on my progress.

Goal 5: Run 1300 miles.
Last year I ran 1169 miles.  In order to run 1300 miles I will have to average 25 miles per week.  I will record my mileage at the end of each month on the goal board to stay on track and stay motivated.

Goal 6: Lift weights 3 times per week.
I'll mark each workout on the goal board to stay on track.  I forsee this being the hardest goal for me to stick to.  I HATE to lift weights.

Goal 7: Blog 2 times per week.
In order to improve my writing skills and my creativity I am going to blog more often.  Topics will vary from my marathon training, hiking reports, travel notes, and whatever happens to be on my mind.  I'll mark the blogs each week on the goal board to be sure I am staying on track.

Goal 8: Read ten books.
I tend to spend way too much of my downtime mindlessly surfing the internet when I could be reading something of substance.  I'll record each book read on the goal board and may post book reviews on this blog.

Mutual goals

Goal 1: Keep credit cards paid off monthly.
We'll check off each month on the goal board.

Goal 2: Have 2X in savings.
Continuing to direct deposit money into the savings account should allow us to double the amount we have in savings by the end of the year.  We'll write the savings balance on the goal board at the end of each month.

Goal 3: Try 5 new fruits.
Last year we tried 5 new vegetables, this year we will try 5 new fruits.

Goal 4: Visit one new place each month.
We tend to get stuck in a rut.  We go the same restaurants, we go to the same events, we take the same drives.  To blast out of the rut we are going to do one thing each month that we have never done before.  This should be an interesting goal.

365 days to meet 12 goals.  Time to get to work!  Best of luck on your goals for 2013.

1 comment:

  1. This is very motivating, thanks for sharing your great ideas.
